Identify and raise community awareness around community and behavioral health issues.
Mobilize community resources to address identified community and behavioral health issues through assessment and prevention related education, activities, and programs.
Work collaboratively with individuals and organizations to create sustainable and equitable health initiatives.
Means to the Mission
Apply for and manage community and behavioral health related local, state, and federal grants.
Provide community education on prevention related issues.
Work towards a system based on the collective impact model.
Help build a "common language" and shared vision between and among local individuals and organizations.
Coordinate data gathering, assessment, and evaluation processes and procedures.
In collaboration with others, create a Comprehensive Community Health and Prevention Plan.
Work to address the impact of racial/historical trauma, health disparities and the systemic structures of power and privilege .
Loyd Platson
Michelle Kavouras
Program Manager
David Wilcox
Youth Outreach
and Programs
Alex Bayne
Youth Outreach
and Programs
Interested in helping create a healthy community?
Join our prevention team. We are looking for up to two people who are passionate about substance misuse prevention, especially for youth.
If interested contact
Sitka Counseling at 907-747-3636 or email amyz@scpsak.org
Adult/Youth Alcohol/Drug Information School (ADIS/Prime for Life)
ADIS is a state approved prevention education component appropriate for individuals assessed as not meeting a substance abuse or dependence diagnosis. The course is designed to increase awareness regarding the effects of alcohol/drug use and to promote responsible behavior. ADIS instructors must be state certified to teach the class and deliver a state-approved curriculum regarding alcohol and drugs. The class consists of 12 hours of education and is typically delivered in three 4-hour sessions during a one week period.
Courses Offered
Mental Health First Aid Training - Virtual and In-Person ( Adult & Youth)
Mental Health First Aid USA is an 8-hour training to teach participants how to help someone who is developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. The evidence behind the program demonstrates that it helps trainees identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders.
2024 SUSY Reports
2024 Substance Use Survey of Youth-HS
2024 Substance Use Survey of Youth-MS
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