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We’ve Adopted a
"No Wrong Door" Philosophy

We continually strive to better serve our community. This is evidenced by collaboration with other agencies in the form of shared resources, contractual relationships, and integration of service delivery models.

Our Philosophy

Our “no wrong door” philosophy mandates a welcoming approach to all clients and eliminates arbitrary barriers to initial engagement in services. It specifies mechanisms for helping each client connect to a suitable program as quickly as possible, regardless if the program is within our agency or through the referral process.


Sitka Counseling uses the Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual model in developing and providing behavioral health treatment. This model conceptualizes mental illness and substance misuse to be a result of complex interactions among biological, psychological, social, and spiritual factors.






This component includes genetic factors that may predispose an individual toward mental illness or chemical dependency, brain chemistry imbalances, physical changes or damage as a result of injury or substance misuse, and biological risks due to substance use such as HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, tuberculosis, or Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.

This component includes the cognitive, behavioral, and emotional aspects of behavioral health including co-occurring mental health/substance use disorders.


This component refers to relationships with significant others, social support systems, communication skills, and sense of belonging in the social environment.


This aspect include a sense of purpose and meaning in life, a sense of the transcendent, that there is something greater than ourselves, self-exploration, or self-realization.


This theoretical framework encompasses the wide range of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual issues related to mental illness/substance use disorders. It allows for a holistic assessment and treatment of individual needs. Since this model recognizes behavioral health issues affect individuals in diverse ways, a comprehensive assessment is necessary to determine individual needs. A continuum of care is essential to provide appropriate treatment services to meet individual needs. This model allows for treatment services to be increased or decreased according to individual progress and is client driven versus program driven.


We use harm reduction strategies designed to lessen possible adverse health, societal, and economic consequences of untreated behavioral health issues. Success is no longer defined only to be complete, sustained absence of symptoms or abstinence. Instead, success is progress toward other measurable outcomes such as improved social functioning, improved job/school performance, decreased criminal justice involvement, improved relationships with significant others, improved emotional self-regulation, and increased sense of purpose or meaning in life.

If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms related to mental health or substance use, please allow Sitka Counseling to assist in your wellness.

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