A Continuum of Care
We believe in a welcoming approach that eliminates arbitrary barriers to any initial attention and coordinate services that offer a continuum of care.
Our Services
Services include prevention, early intervention, crisis emergency services, outreach, outpatient treatment, in-home therapy, residential treatment, rehabilitative services, and corresponding referrals to other community services such as job training, community based support groups, child protection, housing, domestic violence advocacy, medical/dental care, spiritual support, housing services, and legal services per individual needs.
Starting Services

Intake Paperwork


Treatment Plan
All clients requiring/requesting services are issued intake paperwork. Once the application is complete, the client is seen by a master level clinician or a Substance Abuse counselor to determine the appropriate level of individualized services within our agency.
Once the Assessment has taken place the treatment plan is developed. The treatment plan outlines the services that will be provided; Community Support Individual and/or Group, Therapeutic Behavioral Health Individual and/or Group, Case Management and Outside Community Support Groups.
The process is essentially the same for consumers who are under 21; however a few additional forms must be completed. Legal documentation of custody or third party involvement must be provided and the guardian or parent accompanies the minor to their assessment appointment.